Elmwood Wins at GDUSA Web Design Awards

NewsNov 08, 2021
  • New York 06:16 AM
  • London 11:16 AM
  • Singapore 06:16 PM
  • Shanghai 06:16 PM

We are ecstatic that our new website has won at the GDUSA Web Design Awards in the Website Category and for our Website Brand Film, The Power of Tension.

Elmwood believes tomorrow’s best brands will be powered by cultural tension. The new site reflects the agency’s POV: a navigational design that cuts through clutter to identify and harness those tensions that drive meaningful, memorable brand ideas.

Our brand film explores Elmwood’s core mission in addressing the cultural tensions which are so prevalent in our society today and which should be utilised as a powerful force in creating transformative design.

The entire team at Elmwood are incredibly proud of both wins.

The results:

GDUSA American Website Award – Elmwood Website – Win

GDUSA American Website Award – Elmwood, The Power of Tension video – Win